PRICE LIST for any activity involving this estate.

#         PRODUCT OR SERVICE          US $ PRICE Charge

001     Abuse of Power                                20,000

002     Abuse of Process                            100,000

003     Administering Drugs to Aid Felony     50,000

004     Appearance In Court                        100,000

005     Assault by Officer                            100,000

006     Assault with Chemicals                     100,000

007     Assuming Tax Exemption/Title Plant 100,000

008     Barratry                                             10,000

009     Battery                                            100,000

010     Breach of Contract / Oath / Charter   100,000

011     Breach of Duty                                100,000

012     Bribery                                              75,000

013     Capitis Diminutio Maxima                 200,000

014     Checks And Balances Violation        100,000

015     Cloward-Pivens Strategies             1,000,000

016     Concurring Quantum Entanglements 200,000

017     Conspiracy / Collusion                     500,000

018     Deceit                                               50,000

019     Defamation                                       50,000

020     Detention Without Cause / Per Hour   10,000

021     Detinue                                             50,000

022     Discrimination / Vexatious Litigation   50,000

023     Double Jeopardy                             250,000

024     Duty of Care Violation                      100,000

025     Embarrassment / Humiliation                5,000

026     Embezzlement/ Extortion                  100,000

027     Entrapment                                      100,000

028     Factual Causation                              50,000

029     Fair Hearing Request/ Violation          50,000

030     False Arrest                                     100,000

031     False Pretenses                                 35,000

032     Fraud Upon the Court                        50,000

033     Fraudulent Conveyance / Conversion 50,000

034     Fruit of the Poisonous Tree              100,000

035     Gate / Envelope / File Opening Fee         500

036     Grand Larceny                                 100,000

037     Gross Negligence                            500,000

038     Harassment                                       50,000

039     Identity Theft / Title Plant                  100,000

040     Influencing Testimony                       75,000

041     Insurance Fraud                               100,000

042     Intimidation                                       50,000

043     Kidnapping                                      100,000

044     Lack of Full Disclosure                      50,000

045     Legal Causation                                 50,000

046     Letters of Marque and Reprisal         100,000

047     Linguistic Morphing                           10,000

048     Liquidation Services                         100,000

049     Logistical inconsistencies                  10,000

050     Lost Wages per Year                       100,000

                                                                 or $ 250/ hour or any part there of.

051     Mail Fraud                                         10,000

052     Malice                                               50,000

053     Malicious Wrongdoing                     500,000

054     Manipulation/ Alteration of                                                                                                                               Documents                                      100,000

HTE-13June2012/Price-List                                    Page 1 of 1

#         PRODUCT OR SERVICE          US $ PRICE Charge


055     Mayhem / Aggravated Assault            50,000

056     Medical Malpractice                         100,000

057     Mens Rea                                        200,000

058     Mental Anguish                                  50,000

059     Mis-Application of Statute                  50,000

060     Mis-Information / False Evidence        50,000

061     Mis-joining or Recombining Instruments                                                                                                            20,000

062     Misappropriation of Funds               200,000

063     Misrepresentation                            100,000

064     Mistrial                                            100,000

065     Natural Law Violation                        100,000

066     Non-, Mis-, Mal-Feasance                   50,000

067     Nuremburg Offense                         500,000

068     Obstruction of Justice                       50,000

069     Pass-overs / Re-Conveyances       1,000,000

070     Patronage                                       100,000

071     Plagiarism                                         75,000

072     Political Repression                         100,000

073     Prosecutorial Vindictiveness             200,000

074     Psychological Warfare                  1,000,000

075     Public Nuisance                                 50,000

076     R.I.C.O. (Illegal Activities per Person) 50,000

077     Sequestering Under any Technique     10,000

078     Serving in Multiple Capacities        1,000,000

079     Speedy Trial Violation                      100,000

080     Statute of Limitations Violation         100,000

081     Stultification / Vicarious Liability       100,000

082     Surveillance Per Day                          50,000

083     Tax Fraud                                          50,000

084     The Use of Policies to Override Law  50,000

085     Treason                                        1,000,000

086     Trespass to Chattels                        100,000

087     Trespassing                                     100,000

088     Undisclosed Policies/ Usury               50,000

089     Unholy Alliance                                  50,000

090     United States Bill of Rights Violation 100,000

091     Unjust Enrichment                            100,000

092     Unlawful Imprisonment Per Day     1,000,000

093     Unlawful Incarceration/ Arrest         1,000,000

094     Unlawful Taking                                500,000

095     Use of Deadly Force                     1,000,000

096       Use of Injurious or Damaging Laws 1,000,000

097     Using Public Funds for Private Interests                                                                                                           500,000

098     Wire Fraud                                       200,000


Separate and or additional to above charges, add:

$ 250/ hour for any activity, project, tasks, involving: thought, time, acts, crafts, talent, intellect, whether active or not – (like waiting or detained) that are required, forced, demanded, required or requested lacking any of the following: - written negotiated mutually signed agreement - full knowledge, disclosure & consent., - 3 day advance notice, - specific written consent to activity, time, place, associated people, environments and location(s).


Recorded at Kan. Co. Courthouse, Misc. Bk. 42, pg.61.about 6-12-2012,

Common Law Copyright on term Henry Theodore Elden Misc. Bk  40, pg. 408

Fines from $ 100,000+ for use without authorized & written  permissions


Errors and Omissions are consistent with intent.

All directions and including All Rights Reserved.

Prices are subject to change without notice.